Career Paths

Career Paths

Career paths are clusters of occupations/careers grouped according to participants’ interests and talents or skills. All paths include a variety of occupations that require different levels of education and training. Thus, career paths provide a plan for all students, whatever their interests, abilities, talents, or desired levels of education. Selecting a career path provides a student with an area of focus, along with flexibility and a variety of ideas to pursue. The focus of career paths is on helping students choose a career path, not a specific occupation. Selecting a career path is not a lifelong commitment; it is a place to begin focusing one’s energies. As students take different courses and learn more about themselves and careers, they will probably change career paths. Students who understand the career paths concept will be aware that there are a variety of other related possibilities if the first path no longer fits them. If different career paths become more interesting, the students can reevaluate plans, make appropriate decisions, and revise their high school plans as necessary.


Deciding on a career path can assist you in exploring your interests and preparing for your future. The intent is not for you to decide on a specific occupation for the rest of your life, but to select a career path into which you can begin directing your energies. Identifying a career path can help you in selecting school courses, activities, and part-time employment. It can also help guide your participation in job shadowing, career exploration, and internships. A career path choice is not a permanent commitment. As you have new experiences, you learn new things about yourself and may decide to change career paths. If you decide on a different career path to explore, you should discuss it with your counselor and adjust your future course selections in accordance with your new career exploration.

Career Exploration Assessments

West Platte students complete career exploration assessments starting in the 8th grade. This is a way the student can identify an initial career path choice. The EXPLORE test and the Missouri Connections Interest Inventory are administered. Counselors will then use this information to assist students in making course selections and developing Personal Plan of Study. The PLAN test is administered in the 10th grade. It provides an inventory that will indicate which career clusters interest the student. This will help the student update his/her personal plan of study and career path.

Choosing a Career Path or Cluster

  1. Identify your interests, abilities, and talents.
  2. Identify the career path or cluster that relates to your interests, abilities, and talents.
  3. Explore occupations in those career paths or clusters.
  4. Decide how much education you want to receive after high school.
  5. Develop a personal plan of study by selecting courses and co-curricular activities that relate to your career educational and career goal.
  6. If undecided regarding a career path or cluster, choose courses from different career areas to give you a better idea of your interests.